but recently on SEVERAL of the blogs that I stalk I have noticed them mentioning....
the Silhouette...
either in their everyday crafting
or in various giveaways (hence this blog entry as a method of entering one of such give-aways)
I was AMAZED at all the things that the cricut could do...they do have an amazing info-mercial and since we don't have cable or satellite frequently it is the only thing to watch during the wee hours.
BUT while I have thought that cricut was wonderful...I have also noticed that you have to constantly be buying this or that for it and the this's and that's COST $$$--cha ching....these things add up FAST....
and I have also thought wouldn't it be cool to be able to just hook it to my computer...well apparently I wasn't the only person who thought it would be cool to hook it to my computer...
THE SILHOUETTE hooks to my computer just like a printer...well it would hook to my computer if I had one...for now I will just have to imagine it hooked to my computer...ahhhh imagination....IF ONLY
The things I could do with a silhouette:
1-25. cut MY OWN vinyl for whatever around the house labeling project I want, whenever I want, without having to bug my vinyl lady constantly (sorry Jenn).
2. label my entire pantry with cuter labels than my label maker can do
3. label the laundry room supplies (detergent, bleach, softener, dryer sheets, stain remover, darks, lights, whites, shirts, towels, jeans, etc)
4. label the craft closet supplies (paint, fabric, kids crafts, etc)
5. label the kids toy bins (army guys, legos, polly pockets, pet shops, etc)
6. label the kids clothes drawers (socks, underwear, pants, shirtes, etc)
7. label movies as OURS to help those that borrow remember
8. label inside of kitchen cupboard with a menu board (one side already has a recipe label/holder)
9. label school supplies for kids so I don't have to write their name 1500 times (altho I love my kidlets so I could write their names a jillion times if I had to.)
10. label my label maker ;-)
11. label my christmas decor boxes so I can find what I need to find
12. label my halloween decor boxes
13. label my easter decor boxes
14. label my valentine decor box
15. label the various boxes that I have stuff set aside for the kidlets later on in life
16. label my and my husbands high school memoirs boxes
17. label
18. label
19. label
20. label
21. label
22. label
23. label
24. label
25. label and then label some more!
26. stencils
27. classroom decor
28. classroom supplies
29. classroom lesson plan stuff
30. classroom bulletin boards
31. classroom sharing
33. super cute crafts
34. the coolest posters ever for my kidlets school projects
35. super cute scrapbook stuff
36. create the cutest peacock room that my daughter will LOVE! (maybe that's a bad idea...might never get her out of there!)
37. make super cute cut outs for my primary class
38. make super cute guitar/music room for another daughter!
39. just saw a super cutie fairy idea for my littlest fairy!
40. I am sure that there is some manly ideas just on the cusp of my brain for my oldest--just entering high school this fall --eeek!! I bet he could use it for some of those school projects--(his hand writing..how oh how could I as a teacher have a son with handwriting like THAT!) OMGG (oh my goodness gracious!)
check out the giveaways and to see real information for this on: