My husband has been the scout master of our ward troop for the last FOUR years. about three years ago (his first going to camp as a leader) I helped him by making a duty roster for the boys...
I just took an old piece of plywood (that had been laying around for years), some random spray paint, and tape. I had the green spray paint left over from one of my sons pinewood derby cars (the fish) so I sprayed both sides of the board (obviously letting one side dry before the other side was painted). Then I took some masking tape and taped off some lines (I think I used some paper too to avoid over spray) and painted in the white lines.
The first year we did this I found some clearance wooden tags. I didn't realize that they were clearance until the 2nd year when I went back to the craft store to get more. They were clearance because they were Christmas ornament leftovers. This year I found some round wooden circles at the ONE and ONLY craft store in my town--I would think that a town with a population over 75,000 would have more than one craft store but whatever...

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